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NEXO GEO M12 provides sound reinforcement for French LA BALISE performance hall

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NEXO's engineering support team worked with B-Live Group to complete the installation of the GEO M12 linear array system, which will be applied to the new performance hall LA BALISE in the French town of Saint Hilary Derriz.

NEXO's engineering support team worked with B-Live Group to complete the installation of the GEO M12 linear array system, which will be applied to the new performance hall LA BALISE in the French town of Saint Hilary Derriz.

The ultra-modern LA BALISE is a powerful venue on the west coast between Nantes and La Rochelle. It can be configured in three different ways: 1600 seats can be provided when the audience is fully standing, or 1600 seats can be provided by the coexistence of some seats and standing seats. Jointly funded by the local government and private equity, it is expected to become a key entertainment attraction in the surrounding area and its tourism industry.

Eighteen months ago, the contractor B-Live Group (formerly Nantamel Portal) handed over the audio installation project to NEXO, Engineering support to use the new GEO M12 linear array speakers with MSUB18 ultra-low frequency speakers (6 GEO M12 speakers on each side of the left and right system). NEXO's new series of P+ point source speakers serves as supplementary sound and monitoring. Managed by Samuel Billay of the B-Live Group, after the installation was completed, Mr. Fran ç ois Deffarges, Engineering Director of the NEXO plant, went to the town of Saint Hilary Derriz to debug the system.

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